
66、单选题  According to the text, it is considered a bad idea for parents to()
A: give children freedom to spend money
B: pay children for common house work
C: let children understand business works
D: help children learn about personal finance
参考答案: D
本题解释:【答案】B。解析:根据第三段Butit is not a good idea to pay your child for work around the home ... Paying children to do extra work around the house,however, can be useful.可知,B项“为普通家务而付钱”不是一个好主意,符合题意。题干中的a bad idea是对原文not a good idea的同义替换。A项并未提及;C、D项与题干意思相反。



大题库 - 爱比价妈妈

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