
34、单选题  Why do farmers gives drugs to their animals? _____
A: to speed up the growth of animals
B: to make the animals fatter
C: to make the animals’meat fit to eat
D: to make the animals’meat rich in nutrients
参考答案: B
本题解释:【答案】B。解析:本题是细节题。根据原文第二段“The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to obtain a higher price on the market.”这句话可以看出,农民给牲畜用药是为了让牲畜更肥,以便在市场 上卖更高的价格,因此B项正确,to make the animals fatter就是原文to fatten the animals的同义复现。A项“加 速牲畜生长”,原文未提。C、D项原文也没提到,根据常识也可排除。



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